Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why is so much money being spent in the stimulus bill for digital tv coupons?

Since when is it up to the government to provide people with television? What if they have the coupon but no money for a tv? Or no money to keep the lights on because the bill keeps getting higher. Im confused on how this ';stimulates'; the economy.Why is so much money being spent in the stimulus bill for digital tv coupons?
The plain truth is this doesn't stimulate the economy. Giving people money for Digital TV boxes, dumping money into Amtrak (A company that hasn't turned a profit in 20+ years), among other nonsense areas of spending...Even Obama recognizes that Japan took this very same ';stimulus package'; and tried throwing money at their slowing economy issues, and all it did was lead them into what's known as the ';lost decade';. Japan went from the most industrialized nation with the least amount of debt to an industrialized nation with the MOST debt per-capita. So what, did Japan just not throw enough money at the issue? Is that it? Or will this plan work just because Obama says it will...The only thing I see happening with this stimulus bill is making us more dependent on Big Government...Socialism at it's finest in the works.

The bottom line is, it shouldn't be my problem that someone else can't afford TV...last time I checked TV was a luxury not a necessity. I'd much rather see my tax dollars go to something actually productive.Why is so much money being spent in the stimulus bill for digital tv coupons?
Just follow the money. Lobbyists are the ones that are pushing this issue. If the government is forcing stations to broadcast in HD, then they must make it feasible. I'm sure if you do your homework, you will find that T.V. stations will be receiving some sort of funding to upgrade their equipment. My guess is that media executives hired lobbyists to pass a bill saying that everyone will have to broadcast HD in order to upgrade their stations on the taxpayer's dime.

Make sense?
Those commercials informing people about switching to digital cable have been playing constantly for over a damn year. its in the stimulus package because lazy folk on welfare cant afford the 30 bucks. they dont work, but they need government paid for cable! bottom line, the government is a bunch of morons.
But you missed the point of it, the government never GIVES anyone anything. The only reason this whole deal is being done is simple, they need to get these old sets off because they have SOLD the frequencies that they now use for I think 19 billion. ITs all about the money, until these tv's are off, they cant collect the cash.
I am reporting you to his holiness, the Barack. For it is written, he that questions him shall be doomed to a life of higher taxes, more government intrusion and bleak prospects. Those that do not oppose him shall receive money from those that work.
On the plus side I think that some people are begginning to understand that the Dem and Rep party as really just as corrupt as one another. I did ask the same thing though. I can only assume that a lot media companies gave out a lot of money. I mean, is this really nessacary?
The cable companies prices are rising like every thing else. Just go into the grocery store and see what the prices are. Coupons aren't much help when the cheaper boxes don't work well. You must have money to get the things you really need.
Since the government controls the air waves it is up to the government to provide access to TV. The cupons are not for TV sets they are for digetal boxes to provide access to TV,
Ask the Dems. So much for bipartisanship!
You'd be surprised how many people can't afford the digital converters.

Most of these people are elderly too btw, show some respect.
Stupid whiners can't live without their idiot box, and they couldn't figure out for FOUR years (yes, that's how long they've been yapping about the transition over to digital) how to get the damn converter we have to cater to them.
because because television ';ads'; generate a huge source of revenue...
If the people on welfare don't have TV how can the democrats win elections

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