Sunday, April 25, 2010

Travelling to Edmonton in 2 weeks: Are there any places to get coupons for discounts in Edmonton?

Looking specifically for discounts to restaurants, theme park and water park at West Edmonton Mall and museums like the RAM. (Don't need any hotel info as staying with a friend).

Also does anyone have any suggestions on things to see or do?Travelling to Edmonton in 2 weeks: Are there any places to get coupons for discounts in Edmonton?
Certain times when you go the West Edm Mall they will have a booklet at the customer service centre that has some coupons and discounts. Also if you are a CAA/AAA member they also offer discounts on the Attractions at the Mall. Like already suggested you can try the tourism office or website, but I am not sure if they have anything.

If you wait until the last 3 hrs of the day they offer usually around $10 off the water park and the amusement park.

There's the Telus World of Science with IMAX (Odyssium), High Level Bridge and Streetcar, Fort Edmonton Park, Muttart Conservatory

There are a lot of things to do in Edmonton, ask around when you get there at customer service/tourism centres they will know about discounts.Travelling to Edmonton in 2 weeks: Are there any places to get coupons for discounts in Edmonton?
Try a tourist information office. Otherwise, no.

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