Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Need ideas for love coupons for my husband and daughter?

I want to make some love coupons for both my husband and my oldest daughter (who is 10 yrs old). For my husband I would like creative ones, that do not involve sex, because I already have those done that he can use thru out the year. For my daughter, just some to show her how much I love and appreciate at her for her help around the house and with her baby sister. Thanks.Need ideas for love coupons for my husband and daughter?

mama and me day

makeover day

a day to be honest w/ out getting in trouble(for real)

secert sharing

no helping w/ sister day

relaxtion day


day of no work

full night of sleep day to be a man(no shower,beer drinking sports)

time out doing what he wants (even if u hate it)

day of no complaints(we do complain even in nice ways)

that is so cool ecspecially w/ the economy

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