Friday, January 8, 2010

Where is the best place to get online deals and coupons?

I see a lot of different websites that claim to have deals. A lot of them seem scammy to me (they wanna charge money).

What are the top deal websites?Where is the best place to get online deals and coupons?
Any website that wants to charge you to save you money just doesn't make sense!

If you are looking for websites that post deals that they find on the web or in-stores here is a list of a couple I know of.

1) - Been around for a long time and have a large following, mostly forum based deals.

2) - Large database with a lot of deals(sometimes you have to swim through them, a little bit difficult to navigate though.

3) - Site seems a little new, but they have fresh content on many different categories and pretty good deals.

4) - Good resource if you are looking for computer parts specifically, but as the name implies it mainly on tech related items.

There are many more but these are the ones I check often.

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